Monday, July 17, 2006

Rendentore - A great way to end the IMN Master's

It's not the end, it's the beginning. See you all in December and keep the bridges between us in good order, like the one between Guidecca and Venice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing up Surinder!

I completed STP version 2 yesterday. My ass is as sore as one would expect it to be, buit overall I found it a better experience than the first one. Being in better shape helped. I missed listening to you curse your mountain bike on the way! That was the best part of last year. I will tell you more about it when you are back States-side.

12:33 am

Blogger D said...

I clearly remember that day. With good and bad... Let's hope temporary bridges will build everlasting ones...
'Redentor, Redentor,
Please come back and build some more!' ;D

1:56 pm


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